Our Blog

News and explanations about the technologies from our company. Find out more about their applications and our contribution to a constantly changing environment.

  • IPCEI on Microelectronics and Communication Technologies

    Research: European Microelectronics in the fast lane

    As part of the "IPCEI on Microelectronics and Communication Technologies" funding project, the European Union is supporting research institutions and industrial partners in the development of technology that will enable a sustainable yet powerful data infrastructure for the continent. AT&S is involved in the project as a manufacturer of highly efficient substrates for the next generation of microchips. New research and production capacities in Leoben will play a decisive role in the modernization of the European microelectronics industry.

  • Focus AI: 2023 marks the start of the era of Artificial Intelligence

    From ChatGPT to EU regulation of artificial intelligence: 2023 has ushered in a new phase of digitalization that will transform our society.

  • Focus AI: Indiana Jones for all eternity

    The resurrection of the Beatles for new songs and Sean Connery as the best James Bond ever in new films? This will soon no longer be a problem for the brave new world of AI.

More posts

Rocket from Austria: Students reaching for the stars

In the Aerospace Team Graz (ASTG), students build rockets with which they take part in international competitions. AT&S contributes to the project with a printed circuit board package enabling electronic controls.

July 7, 2022|

Autonomous robots steer agriculture into the future

While we have to wait even longer for autonomous e-cars, agriculture is already heading towards the autonomous future. Sensor-loaded precision robots, powered by artificial intelligence, grow crops, pull weeds, control pests with minimal use of pesticides, and provide data to optimize agriculture.

May 25, 2022|

A healthier life with wearables and health apps

lready taken enough steps today, got up regularly, trained? Ever since the Apple Watch and Fitbit, we've been familiar with those little "nudges" in favor of our health. However, wearables and apps have long been able to do much more. Their sensors collect millions of data from pulse to blood oxygen levels – not only for diagnosis but also for therapy.

May 12, 2022|

Inclusion at work at AT&S

Inclusion of people with disabilities has been a reality at AT&S for many years. There is a long-standing partnership with Cafe Beniva, which supports people with Down syndrome.

May 5, 2022|

AT&S supplies nervous systems for high-tech drones

From weddings to beach vacations, drones are currently the most exciting tool in the equipment for many amateur filmmakers and photographers. Connection technology from AT&S ensures excellent communication between the multitude of components, from GPS and sensors to high-resolution cameras on board.

April 13, 2022|

Magnetic Inlays: Mini electromagnets for wireless charging

As part of an EU research project, AT&S is developing the next generation of miniaturized inductors that can be integrated into multi-layer printed circuit boards. This makes it possible to implement the smallest voltage converters or ultra-thin, wireless charging devices, which have several advantages compared to the technology currently available.

March 1, 2022|

EU “digital decade” is taking shape

Perhaps it was precisely the pandemic that made the urgency of implementing the EU’s “digital sovereignty” clear. When she took office at the end of 2019, Ursula von der Leyen declared digitization a cornerstone of her policy, proclaimed a digital decade and presented the goals to be achieved in the form of a digital compass a year ago.

February 24, 2022|

MIT Career Fair: AT&S is looking for the best minds

AT&S is represented for the first time at the European career fair of the US elite university Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). Thousands of students and graduates from prestigious universities considering a career in European business or research meet there.

February 21, 2022|

Rocket from Austria: Students reaching for the stars

In the Aerospace Team Graz (ASTG), students build rockets with which they take part in international competitions. AT&S contributes to the project with a printed circuit board package enabling electronic controls.

July 7, 2022|

Autonomous robots steer agriculture into the future

While we have to wait even longer for autonomous e-cars, agriculture is already heading towards the autonomous future. Sensor-loaded precision robots, powered by artificial intelligence, grow crops, pull weeds, control pests with minimal use of pesticides, and provide data to optimize agriculture.

May 25, 2022|

A healthier life with wearables and health apps

lready taken enough steps today, got up regularly, trained? Ever since the Apple Watch and Fitbit, we've been familiar with those little "nudges" in favor of our health. However, wearables and apps have long been able to do much more. Their sensors collect millions of data from pulse to blood oxygen levels – not only for diagnosis but also for therapy.

May 12, 2022|

Inclusion at work at AT&S

Inclusion of people with disabilities has been a reality at AT&S for many years. There is a long-standing partnership with Cafe Beniva, which supports people with Down syndrome.

May 5, 2022|

AT&S supplies nervous systems for high-tech drones

From weddings to beach vacations, drones are currently the most exciting tool in the equipment for many amateur filmmakers and photographers. Connection technology from AT&S ensures excellent communication between the multitude of components, from GPS and sensors to high-resolution cameras on board.

April 13, 2022|

Magnetic Inlays: Mini electromagnets for wireless charging

As part of an EU research project, AT&S is developing the next generation of miniaturized inductors that can be integrated into multi-layer printed circuit boards. This makes it possible to implement the smallest voltage converters or ultra-thin, wireless charging devices, which have several advantages compared to the technology currently available.

March 1, 2022|

EU “digital decade” is taking shape

Perhaps it was precisely the pandemic that made the urgency of implementing the EU’s “digital sovereignty” clear. When she took office at the end of 2019, Ursula von der Leyen declared digitization a cornerstone of her policy, proclaimed a digital decade and presented the goals to be achieved in the form of a digital compass a year ago.

February 24, 2022|

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