Milestones in the history of AT&S

From state ownership to a global enterprise. The AT&S success story started with several companies in Austria’s state-owned electronics industry and has reached its current peak with construction work underway in Malaysia and at the headquarters in Leoben. Its rise from a small Austrian company to a global enterprise with plans for further expansion is based on a corporate philosophy that has bright minds, brave investments and innovation at its heart.

AT&S History
AT&S History
AT&S History
AT&S History
AT&S History
AT&S History
AT&S History
AT&S History

Meet Paul Eisler

Paul Eisler, the inventor of the printed circuit board, was born in Vienna. Without his ingenious creation, the electronics industry and its revolutionary impact on data processing, transport, entertainment and almost every other area of life in recent decades would have been inconceivable. As an Austrian company, AT&S has a direct historical link to the origins of the PCB.

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