Business ethics

Integrity is a cornerstone of everything we do. As a globally active company in a technologically advanced industry, we assume economic, corporate and social responsibility for our actions towards our customers, employees, shareholders, stakeholders and our environment. We are committed to delivering consistent quality, maximising our profits, keeping jobs secure, minimising environmental pollution and expanding our market position. We comply with the applicable regulations and prevailing laws everywhere and act ethically impeccably at all times.

The purpose of this Code of Ethics and Conduct is to set out how AT&S conducts its business in an ethical and socially responsible manner. These guidelines apply to all AT&S activities worldwide. We expect all managers, employees and other persons working on behalf of the company without exception to comply with the Code. Stricter or more detailed policies may apply to specific regions, countries or functions, but are generally consistent with this company policy.

AT&S is committed to ensuring safe working conditions in the supply chain, treating workers with respect and dignity, and ensuring that manufacturing processes are environmentally sound and sustainable.

We also expect our suppliers to comply with the applicable laws, rules and regulations of the countries in which they operate and to commit to ethically and socially responsible business conduct.

At AT&S, integrity is at the core of everything we do. As a leading international high-tech company, we strive to uphold the highest standards not only in technical excellence but also in ethical conduct in all our activities. To ensure that there is no place for serious misconduct, we have established the AT&S Speak Up Line, a platform for employees and external stakeholders to report actual or suspected violations of compliance. Click here to access AT&S Speak Up.

Your voice matters!
We are committed to addressing and combating inappropriate behaviour and legal violations within our company and business environment. AT&S Speak Up empowers you to support our efforts by reporting serious compliance issues confidentially, without retaliation or reprisal. We encourage open and transparent communication, however, if you prefer, you can submit reports anonymously.

What shall be reported?
The platform is designed to handle reports related to serious legal or ethical violations, including but not limited to:

  • Health, safety, and environmental concerns
  • Human rights issues
  • Suspected fraud or corruption
  • Unfair competition
  • Violations of trade control
  • Breaches of capital market regulations
  • Misuse of personal data
  • Infringement of intellectual property
  • Other serious violations of our Code of Conduct or applicable regulations

How are reports handled?
We treat every report with the utmost confidentiality and do not tolerate any form of discrimination or retaliation against those who raise concerns in good faith. Retaliation is a serious violation of our ethical standards and will be dealt with accordingly.

All reports are managed by our Compliance Office, ensuring independent and unbiased evaluation. Substantiated complaints are investigated and appropriate actions are taken to address the violation.

Responsible reporting
We urge you to use the platform responsibly. Submitting false or malicious reports constitutes a violation of compliance and may have legal consequences. Please ensure that all information provided is accurate to the best of your knowledge.

How to report?
AT&S Speak Up is accessible via phone, web browser, or mobile app (iOS and Android). You can choose to remain anonymous by not submitting your contact details. Nevertheless, a two-way communication is possible allowing us to ask for more details and provide feedback.

  • Phone Version: Use the AT&S access code 116361 to leave an audio message in your local language. At the end of your call, you will receive a case number to track your report.
  • Web or App Version: Enter the company access code 116361 to receive a case number and create a password for your report account. This account allows for secure communication, even if you remain anonymous. Click here for more information on data privacy.

Phone numbers (AT&S access code: 116361)

AustriaFreephone: 0800 90 9683
ChinaFreephone (via China Telecom): 1080 0152 3042
Freephone (Via China United Network): 1080 0852 2221
Country wide number with no supplier restriction: 400 120 1842 (charged at local rate)
GermanyFreephone: 0800 1818 952
Hong Kong+852 3019 4193 (charged at local rate)
IndiaFreephone: 0008 0005 03159
Japan+81 3 6627 0734 (charged at local rate)
Korea+82 2 3700 5146 (charged at local rate)
Malaysia+60 3 7724 3136 (charged at local rate)
SwedenFreephone: 020 160 4703
Taiwan+886 2 7743 8912 (charged at local rate)
USA+1 (669) 288 7154 (charged at local rate)

For more details on using the platform and our commitment to privacy, please refer to our privacy statement or get in touch with our Compliance Office.

Sustainable success

The strong growth that AT&S has enjoyed over recent years has only been possible because we attached huge importance to sustainability from the very outset. We know that we can only continue to thrive if we maintain a world that’s worth living in. For more information about our sustainability concept, see here:


Gerhard Donner

Head of Audit & Compliance

@ E-Mail