News & Events

As a globally operating group with more than 10,000 employees on three continents, the dimension and complexity of AT&S are comparable to a small country. And that’s also why there’s always something going on in our company. Operations are growing organically and changing continuously through innovative products and technologies, new locations or responses to global and local developments. We present our latest developments across the world and are therefore welcome guests at various trade fairs and events. Here we collect key information on the company’s situation and current events that we organise or attend.


Here you can find recent news about AT&S


Click here for current and future trade fairs and events in which AT&S takes part

AT&S Erlebniswelt

Die interaktive Erlebniswelt im Headquarter in Leoben Hinterberg gibt Besucher:innen einen Überblick über Technologien und Produkte von AT&S – komplexe Hightech-Anwendungen werden verständlich und anschaulich erklärt.