Our Blog

News and explanations about the technologies from our company. Find out more about their applications and our contribution to a constantly changing environment.

  • IPCEI on Microelectronics and Communication Technologies

    Research: European Microelectronics in the fast lane

    As part of the "IPCEI on Microelectronics and Communication Technologies" funding project, the European Union is supporting research institutions and industrial partners in the development of technology that will enable a sustainable yet powerful data infrastructure for the continent. AT&S is involved in the project as a manufacturer of highly efficient substrates for the next generation of microchips. New research and production capacities in Leoben will play a decisive role in the modernization of the European microelectronics industry.

  • Focus AI: 2023 marks the start of the era of Artificial Intelligence

    From ChatGPT to EU regulation of artificial intelligence: 2023 has ushered in a new phase of digitalization that will transform our society.

  • Focus AI: Indiana Jones for all eternity

    The resurrection of the Beatles for new songs and Sean Connery as the best James Bond ever in new films? This will soon no longer be a problem for the brave new world of AI.

More posts

Audits – but make it virtual!

The pandemic has complicated many things, including audits. That's why AT&S is now trying something different: virtual audits.

March 16, 2021|

Petri Helin’s All-Inclusive Delivery Service

Petri Helin likes to have the overview first and then work his way through the details. At AT&S, Helin is laying the foundations for systematic digitization with typical Finnish calm. In this interview, he tells us about how he joined us almost a year ago and who he is.

February 2, 2021|

New wearables – new standards

Wearables have definitely arrived in our everyday lives. They are smart bridge builders between lifestyle gadgets and health assistants. Becoming ever smaller, they are inconspicuously integrated in our lives and suspiciously often contain AT&S components.

January 31, 2021|

Progress of e-mobility puts high demands on development

Four out of ten new bicycles are e-bikes, with a steep upward trend putting high demands on development. E-mobility has long become part of everyday life. With leading-edge innovations, AT&S contributes to increasing the efficiency of electric drive systems.

January 26, 2021|

New life at the edge of the cloud

Gigantic data processing centers have a disadvantage: data transmission takes too long for new applications such as online gaming, smart devices, the Internet of Things, drones or robots. The solution? Edge computing – processing power at the edge of the cloud: response in real time.

January 13, 2021|

When refrigerators argue with toasters

In 2030, 500 billion devices worldwide will be connected to the Internet, according to estimates. In addition to cars, smartphones and tablets, they will also include fitness trackers, refrigerators and maybe even food with connected labels.

December 3, 2020|

Weather research with high-tech support

The question of a white Christmas preoccupies meteorologists year after year. High-performance computers with AT&S PCBs enable precise climate simulations that are used for weather forecasting.

November 24, 2020|

Finding the virus: high-tech printed circuit boards for new corona tests

There are different ways to prove that someone has been infected with the coronavirus. Currently, three methods are predominantly used. However, researchers are already working on new procedures in laboratories which should enable faster results or easier delivery. AT&S printed circuit boards play an important role in these processes.

November 17, 2020|

Autonomous mega trucks for mining of the future

Electronic components for autonomous vehicles in the mining industry must meet the highest standards in terms of robustness and failure safety. This is the only way they can presist in the challenging environment of a mine.

September 22, 2020|

More performance for the 5G era

The mSAP technology enables the development of a new geometry for printed circuit boards which provides for faster data connections – an extremely important feature in the information society.

July 26, 2020|

When milliseconds decide over life or death

The time between a signal and the reaction to this signal: referring to humans, this is called reaction time, while we talk about latency when referring to devices and machines.

June 25, 2020|

Full light power

Whether in vehicles, for room lighting, floodlighting or medical products: LED applications have gained increasing importance over the past years.

June 16, 2020|

Innovation in the μ-range

How IC substrates have revolutionized electronics. Mu (μ) is presumably one of the most important currencies in the printed circuit board industry because printed circuit boards – being the central nervous system of electronic devices – are crisscrossed by a network of very fine lines, which are connected to processors, transistors, sensors, etc.

May 17, 2020|

Complex technologies easily explained

CEO Andreas Gerstenmayer on the new blog from AT&S, the world's leading provider of high-end printed circuit boards and innovative connection solutions.

April 26, 2020|

High-tech to combat bee mortality

For years, life as a bee has no longer been a honey pot, because environmental toxins, climate change, monocultures, and pests are putting pressure on the colonies of the social insects. A whole series of start-ups have set themselves the goal of making the lives of honey collectors and their keepers easier through the use of sensors and online platforms.

July 19, 2021|

Audits – but make it virtual!

The pandemic has complicated many things, including audits. That's why AT&S is now trying something different: virtual audits.

March 16, 2021|

Petri Helin’s All-Inclusive Delivery Service

Petri Helin likes to have the overview first and then work his way through the details. At AT&S, Helin is laying the foundations for systematic digitization with typical Finnish calm. In this interview, he tells us about how he joined us almost a year ago and who he is.

February 2, 2021|

New wearables – new standards

Wearables have definitely arrived in our everyday lives. They are smart bridge builders between lifestyle gadgets and health assistants. Becoming ever smaller, they are inconspicuously integrated in our lives and suspiciously often contain AT&S components.

January 31, 2021|

Progress of e-mobility puts high demands on development

Four out of ten new bicycles are e-bikes, with a steep upward trend putting high demands on development. E-mobility has long become part of everyday life. With leading-edge innovations, AT&S contributes to increasing the efficiency of electric drive systems.

January 26, 2021|

New life at the edge of the cloud

Gigantic data processing centers have a disadvantage: data transmission takes too long for new applications such as online gaming, smart devices, the Internet of Things, drones or robots. The solution? Edge computing – processing power at the edge of the cloud: response in real time.

January 13, 2021|

When refrigerators argue with toasters

In 2030, 500 billion devices worldwide will be connected to the Internet, according to estimates. In addition to cars, smartphones and tablets, they will also include fitness trackers, refrigerators and maybe even food with connected labels.

December 3, 2020|

Weather research with high-tech support

The question of a white Christmas preoccupies meteorologists year after year. High-performance computers with AT&S PCBs enable precise climate simulations that are used for weather forecasting.

November 24, 2020|

Finding the virus: high-tech printed circuit boards for new corona tests

There are different ways to prove that someone has been infected with the coronavirus. Currently, three methods are predominantly used. However, researchers are already working on new procedures in laboratories which should enable faster results or easier delivery. AT&S printed circuit boards play an important role in these processes.

November 17, 2020|

Autonomous mega trucks for mining of the future

Electronic components for autonomous vehicles in the mining industry must meet the highest standards in terms of robustness and failure safety. This is the only way they can presist in the challenging environment of a mine.

September 22, 2020|

More performance for the 5G era

The mSAP technology enables the development of a new geometry for printed circuit boards which provides for faster data connections – an extremely important feature in the information society.

July 26, 2020|

When milliseconds decide over life or death

The time between a signal and the reaction to this signal: referring to humans, this is called reaction time, while we talk about latency when referring to devices and machines.

June 25, 2020|

Full light power

Whether in vehicles, for room lighting, floodlighting or medical products: LED applications have gained increasing importance over the past years.

June 16, 2020|

Innovation in the μ-range

How IC substrates have revolutionized electronics. Mu (μ) is presumably one of the most important currencies in the printed circuit board industry because printed circuit boards – being the central nervous system of electronic devices – are crisscrossed by a network of very fine lines, which are connected to processors, transistors, sensors, etc.

May 17, 2020|

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