Your source of solutions for industrial applications

The advance of digitalisation has had a significant impact on the industrial environment, from smart manufacturing to smart mobility, smart infrastructure to smart homes and smart buildings. The introduction of 5G combined with innovations in sensor technology mean that decentralised systems and real-time availability in industrial production are now a reality.

At the same time, the need for communication, bandwidth and reliability is enormous and continuing to grow. With the emergence of the Industrial Internet of Things and demands for more sustainability and greater efficiency, automated machines and components, networked devices and infrastructure, and sustainable energy production and consumption have become a reality in recent years. These developments have only been possible due to industry, which provides the infrastructure for such applications to function properly and securely.

AT&S Segment Movie - Industrial

The next industrial revolution

The sheer variety of industrial applications – from advanced robotics, smart grids and connected infrastructure to innovative charging infrastructure and predictive maintenance – means that there is also a vast range of technological requirements. In order to meet these requirements as effectively as possible, AT&S offers maximum flexibility and the ability to adapt quickly to changing specifications and technologies in the development and production of innovative printed circuit board solutions.

AT&S combines a global presence with local support all around the world, making it a key partner for any industrial application.

AT&S’s key technologies for industrial applications made the following possible:

  • More functionality and better signal integrity in a smaller space
  • Miniaturisation with improved thermal and electrical performance
  • Smart design ensures better performance and signal integrity
  • Maximum communication speed
  • Minimum latency
Besides using tried and tested technologies, AT&S also attaches great importance to innovative solutions for strategic applications.

We give customers what they need

Whether you need power devices, machine-to-X modules, machine vision sensors or mmWave applications, AT&S can provide the perfect PCB and interconnect solution from small series production to mass production, and enables customers all over the world to set new standards with their many applications.

AT&S’ portfolio encompasses key technologies for all areas of industrial applications:

Double-sided, PTH and multilayer printed circuit boards

HDI and advanced Anylayer printed circuit boards

Embedded component packaging

High-frequency printed circuit boards

Flexible and rigid-flex printed circuit boards

2.5D cavities

Flexible and smart: Industrial robots are revolutionising production

In the early 20th century, Henry Ford revolutionised car manufacturing by introducing assembly line production in his factories. In doing so, he changed the world: the automobile became an affordable mass product that transformed our idea of mobility and distance. The first industrial robot was developed half a century later, weighed around a tonne and had the form that we would recognise today: a metal arm with several joints guaranteeing freedom of movement around three axes. Yet, while robots have facilitated the production of cars, metal parts and machines, they have not had the same impact as the introduction of the assembly line.


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If you would like to learn more about our exciting products, technologies and solutions, our experts are always happy to help.

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