Results 23rd AT&S Annual General Meeting
Today’s 23rd Annual General Meeting of AT & S Austria Technologie und Systemtechnik Aktiengesellschaft (AT&S) adopted a dividend of EUR 0.10 per no par share entitled to a dividend for the financial year 2016/17. The ex-dividend day is 25 July 2017, the record date is 26 July 2017 and the dividend payment date is 27 July 2017. In addition, the members of the Management Board and the Supervisory Board were granted discharge for the financial year 2016/17 at today’s Annual General Meeting. Pursuant to the proposal of the Management Board and the Supervisory Board, the remuneration of the Supervisory Board for the financial year 2016/17 was set at a total of EUR 322,360. PwC Wirtschaftsprüfung GmbH, Vienna, was appointed auditor of the annual financial statements and the consolidated financial statements for the financial year 2017/18.
In addition, the authorisation of the Management Board to acquire xxTreasury Shares pursuant to Section 65 (1) No 8 AktG (Austrian Stock Corporation Act) and to withdraw shares, granted by a resolution passed at the 21st Annual General Meeting on 9 July 2015 regarding agenda item 9, and the authorisation of the Supervisory Board to make amendments to the articles of association which result from the withdrawal of shares were revoked; at the same time, the Management Board was authorised to acquire a) in accordance Section 65 (1) No 8 AktG within 30 months from the day of the resolution of the Annual General Meeting b) xxTreasury Shares of the company of up to 10% of the company’s share capital c) at a lowest price that may be no more than 30% lower than the average unweighted closing price of the previous ten trading days and at a highest price per share of a maximum of 30% above the average unweighted closing price of the previous ten trading days. This authorisation also includes the acquisition of shares by the company’s subsidiaries (Section 66 AktG). The acquisition may be carried out via the stock exchange by means of a public offering or in any other legal way and for any legal purpose. The Management Board was also authorised to withdraw repurchased xxTreasury Shares held by the company without any further resolution of the Annual General Meeting. The Supervisory Board is authorised to adopt amendments to the articles of association which result from the withdrawal of shares.
Finally, the authorisation granted by a resolution passed at the 21st Annual General Meeting on 9 July 2015 regarding agenda item 10 on the sale of treasury share was revoked; at the same time, the Management Board was authorised, in accordance with Section 65 (1b) AktG, for a period of five years from the date the resolution was passed, hence up to and including 5 July 2022, upon approval from the Supervisory Board and without any further resolution of the Annual General Meeting, to sell the repurchased xxTreasury Shares in a way other than via the stock exchange or by public offer, or to use in particular xxTreasury Shares a) for issuance to employees, executive employees and/or members of the Management Board/management of the company or of an affiliated company, including the servicing of stock transfer programmes, especially stock options, long-term incentive plans and other participation programmes, b) to serve any issued convertible bonds, c) as a consideration for the acquisition of entities, investments or other assets, and d) for any other legal purpose, and by doing so, to exclude the general purchase option of shareholders (subscription right exclusion). The authorisation may be exercised in full, in part and also in several tranches and may serve multiple purposes.
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