AT&S: Change in the Management Board
CFO Karl Asamer leaves the company at his own request
Karl Asamer, CFO of AT&S since 2014, resigned his Management Board mandate early for personal reasons at today’s Supervisory Board meeting. The Supervisory Board of AT&S respects this decision, agreed to the termination by mutual agreement and thanked Mr. Asamer for his work in the past years. Mr. Asamer will be available to the company in a consulting function until the end of June.
The Supervisory Board appointed Ms. Monika Stoisser-Göhring to succeed Mr. Asamer as Chief Financial Officer with immediate effect, initially for a period of three years until May 31, 2020, and as Deputy Chairwoman of the Management Board of AT & S Austria Technologie & Systemtechnik Aktiengesellschaft. Monika Stoisser-Göhring previously worked for different international auditing and tax consultancy firms and joined AT&S in 2011: She started as Head of the “Finance” department at the corporate level at AT&S, and subsequently also took over the responsibilities of Group controlling as “Director Group Finance & Controlling”; in 2014, she changed to the position of “Director Human Resources Global”.
Due to the proactive succession planning on the part of the Supervisory Board, Ms. Monika Stoisser-Göhring is available immediately as a highly competent and experienced successor.
Her Management Board colleagues, Chairman of the Board Andreas Gerstenmayer and Chief Operations Officer Heinz Moitzi, are pleased that it was possible to fill the position from within the organization and look forward to a successful cooperation with Ms. Stoisser-Göhring.
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