AT&S: New company structure and operating model
As a major global player in the PCB and substrate markets, AT&S has achieved tremendous growth in the last years. The number of customers has significantly increased, as well as our sales, revenue and profit results. This enabled us to expand globally and invest into new facilities to empower further growth. We owe that to our strategy, our technological solutions and our employees. We achieved our goals with our passion and our ambition to be the first and best in class.
“I’m confident that AT&S can grow into a leading position in the electronics and microelectronics industry”, says CEO Andreas Gerstenmayer. “We have been an enabler of digitalization in the past and we will continue to be an important part of the digital evolution in the future.” This growth is driven by AT&S’s strategy and the reputation in the market. But what got us here, won’t get us there. Hence, AT&S has adjusted the operating model to achieve future goals and has a new company structure starting April 1st 2023.
The core of this new operating model is built on two empowered product-based Business Units, the BU ME (Microelectronics) and the BU ES (Electronics Solutions). BU ES covers the area of PCBs. PCBs, especially High End PCBs, play – and will continue to play – an important role not only at AT&S, but for the entire electronics market and for global digitalization. Building high-tech solutions, we will take further direction into the business areas of modules and embedding and will work in a much more integrated way with our customers.
The BU ME covers the entire field of IC substrates. Where digital data and information are processed, transmitted or stored, microelectronics are used, i.e. laptops, servers, and communication infrastructure. Microelectronics is the key to efficiency and performance in virtually all industries. Our new BUs setup enables us to tailor strategies to specific industry and customer needs. The improved governance model ensures effective decision making and fast reaction to customer priorities.
The reason for this organization change lies in the need to address increasingly complex customer priorities with strategies tailored to specific technologies and industry segments. Therefore, we have equipped the new BUs with key go-to-market and operations capabilities. Both BUs are now managing dedicated plant networks. Further mechanisms have been implemented to ensure better scalability, faster decision making, greater efficiency and stronger collaboration. We are convinced that this new setup will enable AT&S to effectively engage our customers in winning strategies and long-term partnerships,
Within the next couple of years, we expect to double our workforce and triple our revenues. Our production plants will be organized into product-based networks and integrated within the corresponding BUs. Operational excellence, performance and managing the growth will be the key factors in our new company structure. This will be supported by strong global group functions that provide expertise in their respective fields of competence.
To strengthen this transition, we have created the new role for a CTO, which will be taken up by Peter Griehsnig, to steer, coordinate and accelerate research and innovation. The CTO will be responsible for Research & Development, Innovation Management, Advanced Interconnect Solution Services (AISS), Quality, ESG and Industrial Planning. Peter Griehsnig joined AT&S in 2001 and had been working for AT&S in Shanghai since 2002.
Our new Executive Board consists now of our CEO Andreas Gerstenmayer, CFO Petra Preining, the Heads of the new Business Units, EVP Peter Schneider for the BU ES and EVP Ingolf Schröder for the BU ME, and CTO Peter Griehsnig.
“AT&S was successful in the past with our strategy, our solutions and our people. We reached our goals with our passion and our aspiration to be the first and the best in class. Together we can recognize trends, create innovations and seize opportunities. This new structure will be the foundation for our future success”, says CEO Gerstenmayer. More details on the new structure and the effects on the future reporting will be given in our annual press conference may 16th 2023.
AT & S Austria Technologie & Systemtechnik Aktiengesellschaft – Advanced Technologies & Solutions
AT&S is a leading global manufacturer of high-end IC substrates and printed circuit boards. AT&S industrializes leading-edge technologies for its core business segments Mobile Devices & Substrates, Automotive & Aerospace, Industrial and Medical and high-performance processors for VR and AI applications. AT&S has a global presence with production sites in Austria (Leoben, Fehring) and plants in India (Nanjangud) and China (Shanghai, Chongqing). A new high-end production site for IC substrates is currently being established in Malaysia (Kulim). In Leoben, a European competence center including series production for IC substrate technologies is being built. Both sites will start production in the financial year 2024/25. The company employs more than 13,000 people.
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