“Industry under Attack”: AT&S novel shows threat of cybercrime
AT&S raises awareness of IT security topics with its own cybercrime novel “Industry under Attack”.
Leoben, 22 February 2022 – “Cybercrime causes an estimated $5 trillion in damage worldwide every year,” says Gottfried Egger, Director of IT at AT&S. “This sum is rising, because not only more private individuals, but also more and more companies are victims of cyber-attacks.” Current international, as well as national incidents, prove that by now every company should be aware of the danger and take appropriate preventive measures.
Last year, AT&S launched an IT security awareness programme. In addition to regular internal communications, video training and regular tests of security concepts, the Styrian company is also breaking new ground and intends to raise awareness of the issue among its 13,000 employees around the world with a cybercrime novel written especially for the company. “With the short novel “Industry under Attack”, we want to raise awareness of this issue among all employees and draw attention to the dangers of the digital world,” says Egger. In the novel, written by a well-known journalist, a hacker group attacks a technology company on several fronts at once.
“Just like it happens in the real world,” says Menson, the book’s author. “Everyone is talking about Corona, but this crisis will soon be over. No one is talking about cybercrime that much yet, but this crisis is just beginning. Anyone who thinks cybercrime does not affect them is sorely mistaken because one wrong click can not only erase livelihoods, but also harm a company or, in the worst case, even bankrupt it.
Press contact:
Gerald Reischl, Director Communications & Public Relations
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