Award for AT&S CEO Andreas Gerstenmayer at Top of Styria: Winner in the category “Production“
As in the past, outstanding business personalities in Styria were awarded the Top of Styria prize again this year. Right at the forefront of this year’s winners was AT&S CEO Andreas Gerstenmayer: He was voted in first place in the category “Production” by a panel of 300 experts, which consisted of representatives of business, science and business journalism. At the gala on 9 November in Graz he was presented with the prize, a rock from the Dachstein Mountains set in steel, by Provincial Government member Christian Buchmann and Chamber of Commerce President Josef Herk. “It is good to be rewarded for one’s hard work and achievements, but as we know, success is not based on individual achievements. It is always the success of an entire company and that is why this award also goes to all our employees. Without their commitment, these achievements would not have been possible“, said Andreas Gerstenmayer, pleased with the award. In the ranking of the top 100 companies AT&S was in 9th place.
AT&S is considered the largest Austrian investor in China and has made a name for itself as a technology driver primarily through high-end products in the smartphone segment and in the automotive industry.
In order to stay in the fast lane and to secure profitable growth, AT&S continues to invest in the future, for example in the establishment of a new plant in the Chinese metropolis Chongqing. Starting in 2016, IC substrates for the computing segment will be produced in Chongqing. In the second phase, the new generation of high-tech printed circuit boards – so-called substrate-like printed circuit boards – will be launched in the middle of next year. With the establishment of the plant in Chongqing, AT&S is setting the course for continued success in the future.
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