AT&S CEO Andreas Gerstenmayer voted as „CEO of the year 2014“ in “Prime Market” segment of Vienna Stock Exchange
- Austrian CEOs voted for „CEO of the Year“ among their peers
- Criterias: economic performance, risk management, leadership, innovation
- Awards in three stock exchange segments: „ATX“, „Prime Market“ and „Bond Market“
- Award was handed over by Deloitte in cooperation with Boerse-Express
Andreas Gerstenmayer, Chief Executive Officer of leading PCB manufacturer AT&S AG, was elected „CEO of the Year 2014” in Prime Market segment of Vienna Stock Exchange.
The CEO’s of the companies in the relevant stock market segment voted for one of their peers. More than 60% of the CEOs participated and gave their vote to Andreas Gerstenmayer, saying: “He invested boldly and farsightedly, he closed a capital increase in difficult times and braves the turbulences on the electronic markets successfully. Gerstenmayer and his team succeed again and again to maintain the technological competitive edge, to be ahead of the competitors and enable innovations as development partners of the big players”.
The CEOs assessed the performance of their peers in terms of economic performance, risk management, leadership and innovation.
The award was handed over on March 4, 2015 by Deloitte and Boerse-Express. Due to a business trip Andreas Gerstenmayer was not able to accept the award personally but said: „I am very happy about this award and appreciation of my CEO colleagues. This award also goes to the AT&S team who showed extraordinary performance and results within the last years!”
He also took the opportunity to comment on Austria’s competitiveness and economic policy: „In Europe we are leading – unfortunately only with topics like taxes and duties. We developed with the Austrian Federation of Industries more than 100 measures to increase the competitiveness of Austrian companies. It needs to be implemented with immediate effect: reducing non-wage labour costs, further increasing flexible working hours, debureaucratisation and more funding for education.”
The other “CEOs of the Year 2014”: Category „ATX“ CEO of the Year is CEO Wolfgang Eder from Voestalpine AG. Winner in the category „Bond Market“ is Andreas Dangl, WEB Windenergie AG.
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