AT&S Annual General Meeting results
In today’s 21st Ordinary Annual General Meeting of AT & S Austria Technologie & Systemtechnik Aktiengesellschaft (AT&S) a dividend of EUR 0.36 per participating no-par value share for the business year 2014/15 has been resolved. The dividend will be paid on 30 July 2015. Ex-Day is also 30 July 2015.
In the course of today’s Annual General Meeting the members of the Management and Supervisory Board have been granted discharge for the business year 2014/15.
In accordance with the proposal of the Management and Supervisory Board, the remuneration for the Supervisory Board for the business year 2014/15 has been determined at an amount of EUR 291,150 in the aggregate.
PwC Wirtschaftsprüfung GmbH, Vienna, has been elected as the auditor and group auditor for the business year 2015/16.
Furthermore, in the course of the Annual General Meeting Dr. Hannes Androsch, Mr. Willibald Dörflinger, Mr Karl Fink and Mr Albert Hochleitner have been re-elected to the Supervisory Board of the Company.
In addition, the authorization of the Management Board to repurchase shares in the Company and to cancel shares and of the Supervisory Board to adopt the amendments to the Articles of Association resulting from such cancellation, both granted by resolution in the 19th Ordinary General Meeting of July 4, 2013 under item 6. of the agenda were revoked and at the same time the Management Board was authorized according to section 65 (1) (8) Stock Corporation Act to purchase, within a period of 30 months from the adoption of the resolution of the General Meeting, xxTreasury Shares to an extent of up to 10% of the nominal capital of the company for a minimum consideration per share being at the utmost 30% lower than the average, unweighted stock exchange closing price over the preceding ten trading days and a maximum consideration per share at the utmost 30% higher than the average, unweighted stock exchange closing price over the preceding ten trading days. The authorization also extends to the repurchase of the Company’s stock by subsidiaries of the Company (section 66 Stock Corporation Act). Such repurchases may take place via the stock exchange or a public offering or by other legal means, and for any legally permissible purpose. The Management Board was also authorized to cancel stock repurchased or already held by the Company without further resolution of the General Meeting. The Supervisory Board was authorized to adopt amendments to the Articles of Association arising from the cancellation of shares. The authorization may be exercised in total or partially and also in several tranches.
Further, the authorization of the Management Board to utilize the Company’s treasury stock, granted by resolution in the 19th Ordinary General Meeting of July 4, 2013 under item 7. of the agenda was revoked and at the same time the Management Board was authorized according to section 65 (1b) Stock Corporation Act for a period of 5 years from the adoption of the resolution, therefore, until and including July 8, 2020, with the consent of the Supervisory Board and without a further resolution by the General Meeting, to dispose of or utilize stock repurchased or already held by the Company also in other ways than via the stock exchange or through public offering, in particular to grant xxTreasury Shares to employees, senior employees and/or members of the Company’s Management Board or the management boards of its affiliates including for purposes of share transfer programs, in particular stock options, long term incentive plans or other stock ownership plans, to deliver xxTreasury Shares under convertible bonds issued by the Company, as consideration for the acquisition of businesses, equity interests or other assets and for any other legally permissible purpose, and to exclude the general purchasing possibility of the shareholders (exclusion of subscription rights). This authorization may be exercised in total or partially and also in several tranches and for several purposes.
With this announcement also the notification requirements pursuant to the regulation on disclosures are fulfilled.
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