Ad-hoc Announcements
Ad hoc Release: Management Board proposes to pay out a dividend of € 0.25 for the financial year 2019/20
Leoben, 12.05.2020 – The Management Board of AT&S decided today subject to the approval of the Supervisory Board to propose a dividend of € 0.25 per share for the financial [...]
Ad hoc Release: Economic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the financial year 2020/21 cannot be assessed
Economic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the financial year 2020/21 cannot be assessed
Q1-Q3 / 2019/20
AT&S remains strategically well on track
Ad hoc Release
AT&S production sites in China affected by the coronavirus
Ad hoc Release
AT&S initiates next growth step: Investment volume of just under one billion Euro planned for the next five years.
Ad hoc Release
AT&S achieves record revenue and EBITDA levels again in 2018/19
Ad hoc Release
AT&S confirms the EBITDA margin expected for the financial year 2018/19 and slightly adjusts revenue forecast
AT&S increased guidance for the financial year 2018/19
Based on the business development in the first quarter of the current year, the positive outlook for the coming months and taking into account seasonal effects in the fourth quarter of the current financial year 2018/19, the management has increased the forecast for revenue and earnings.
AT&S decides to issue a subordinated bond (hybrid bond)
Leoben, 09:57 am - Management Board of AT & S Austria Technologie & Systemtechnik Aktiengesellschaft has decided – based on today’s approval from the Supervisory Board and depending on market conditions – to issue a deeply subordinated bond with an indefinite term and an early redemption option by the issuer after five years (hybrid bond).
AT&S evaluates the issue of a subordinated bond (hybrid bond)
Leoben, 16:28 pm – AT & S Austria Technologie & Systemtechnik Aktiengesellschaft evaluates the issue of a deeply subordinated bond with an indefinite term and an early redemption option by the issuer after five years (hybrid bond).
AT&S increases annual guidance for financial year 2017/18
Leoben, 09:58 am - AT&S has been recording very high customer demand and utilisation at the capacity limit at almost all plants, especially in the last three months.
AT&S adapts outlook for the financial year 2016/17
Leoben, 06:18 pm – The current business development of AT&S is characterized by good capacity utilization and demand in all relevant customer segments. Existing production capacities are limited though, and [...]
AT&S AG: Dividend of EUR 0.36 proposed to the Annual General Meeting for the financial year 2014/15
At today’s Supervisory Board meeting, the Supervisory Board and the Management Board of AT & S Austria Technologie & Systemtechnik Aktiengesellschaft decided to propose the following appropriation of the company’s [...]
AT&S expands Chinese site Chongqing by next generation of high-tech printed circuit boards
• AT&S positions itself for the next technology generation in its high-end PCB core business • Total investments at the Chongqing plant will be increased from EUR 350 million to roughly EUR [...]
AT&S: results for the financial year 2013/14
'-AT&S finished the financial year with total sales of around EUR 590 million (m), a year-on-year increase of about 9% -AT&S generated EBITDA of about EUR 127m: a year-on-year increase of about 24% -Consolidated net income amounted to about EUR 38m -AT&S improved its financing structure and reduced its gearing ratio to about 28%”
Results Q1 – Q3 2013/14 – AT&S posts increased sales and profitability
Over the first nine months of the financial year 2013/14 AT&S increased revenue by about 11% to EUR 451m and earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortisation (EBITDA) by some 34% to EUR 100m. The group also confirmed its full-year guidance.
AT&S reports significant increase in earnings
AT&S posted a considerable rise in revenue and profit in the first half of the financial year 2013/14. In the first half of the financial year 2013/14 AT&S Group posted sales of around EUR 300 million (m), a year-on-year improvement of some 18%. Earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortisation (EBITDA) advanced by around 50% to EUR 65m. Earnings per share increased from EUR 0.09 to EUR 0.94. Taking seasonality into account, as things stand AT&S is forecasting revenue growth of five percent and an EBITDA margin of 18-20 percent for the current financial year.
AT & S successfully placed all 15,527,412 offer shares with investors
All 15,527,412 offer shares, consisting of 12,950,000 new shares and 2,577,412 xxTreasury Shares, were subscribed at the subscription and offer price of EUR 6.50 in the subscription offer by existing shareholders or placed with investors.
Completion of pre-placement
The pre-placement of 3,367,471 offer shares has – due to good demand – already been completed early.
AT&S launches capital increase and offering of xxTreasury Shares
Publication pursuant to § 4 of the Austrian Publication Ordinance. AT & S decided today to launch an offering of up to 15,527,412 shares, consisting of a pre-placement, a rights offering and a global offering, subject to the approval of a prospectus by the Austrian Financial Market Authority (Finanzmarktaufsicht) anticipated for today.