Finding new talents: 1000 Euro bonus for successful recommandation of new colleagues

To fill 700 new positions for its new R & D-Center and its new production facilities, AT&S relies on the experiences of its employees: There is a bonus for successfully recommending new colleagues.

In the “battle for talent”, the Styrian high-tech group AT&S relies on innovative personnel strategies. For the new development center and expanded production facilities that are being built at its Leoben HQ location, 700 highly qualified positions have to be filled without placing too much strain on the company’s established structures. That is why the experience of existing staff will be used with a recommendation program: “We offer our employees the opportunity to recommend potential candidates from their personal environment for filling vacancies. Almost 260 recommendations have already been made this way, and over 70 applicants have been successfully recruited, ”says Erwin Zarfl, Director of Human Resources at AT&S. A successful recommendation is rewarded with a one-time bonus payment of 1000 Euro if the new employee stays with AT&S for at least three months.

This new strategy was developed to handle the rapid expansion of the company with a minimum of growing pains. Other factors such as increased competition, a shortage of skilled workers and demographic change also require new ideas in human resources from high-tech companies. “In the past companies could choose their candidates from many applications. In the meantime, however, applicants are choosing their company,” says Zarfl. With a forward-looking personnel strategy based on recommendations AT&S wants to retain valuable employees before a personnel shortage becomes acute. “Regardless of whether in research and development, in the operational or commercial area: We are always looking for the best people who want to actively shape our successful, growth-oriented path,” says Zarfl.

A significant increase in the number of employees is forecast by 2025 due to the construction of the new research center at AT&S in Leoben and the ongoing expansion course. 700 employees, including academics, engineers and other qualified specialists, are wanted and will be accepted in the coming years.


Published On: December 3, 2021

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