奥特斯首席执行官 Andreas Gerstenmayer先生当选维也纳证券交易所“Prime Market”板块2014年度CEO | AT&S CEO Andreas Gerstenmayer voted as „CEO of the year 2014

发布日期: 2015年03月06日
  • “奥地利年度CEO”由投票产生
  • 评选标准:经济实绩、风险管理、领导力、创新力
  • 在证券交易所三个板块 “ATX”、“Prime Market”及“Bond Market” 中分别评选一位获奖者
  • 奖项由德勤联合Boerse-Express共同颁发

PCB行业领军企业奥特斯集团的首席执行官Andreas Gerstenmayer先生当选维也纳证券交易所“Prime Market”板块2014年度CEO。

同一证券交易板块中的上市公司CEO们参与竞选,获奖者在他们之中产生。超过60%参与评选的CEO把选票投给了Andreas Gerstenmayer先生,并对他做出高度评价:“他敢于投资,并且目光长远。他在困难时期终止了一项增资,成功地应对了电子行业的波动。Gerstenmayer先生带领着他的团队不断获得成功,这不仅让他们保持技术竞争优势,领先于竞争对手,而且也令创新成为了市场巨头们发展的动力。”


2015年3月4日,德勤与Boerse-Express颁发了这一奖项。由于公务出差,Andreas Gerstenmayer先生未能亲自领取奖项,但是他对此发表了感言:“我很高兴能获得这一殊荣,也很荣幸能得到CEO同仁们的肯定。这个奖项也是属于奥特斯全体员工的,他们在过去几年里表现突出,成绩卓越!”


其他“2014年度CEO”获奖者:来自Voestalpine AG的CEO Wolfgang Eder先生获得了“ATX”版块的“2014年度CEO”称号;来自WEB Windenergie AG的Andreas Dangl先生获得了“Bond Market”版块的“2014年度CEO”称号。


奥地利科技与系统技术股份公司(AT&S)简称奥特斯,是欧洲以及全球领先的高端印制电路板制造商。集团致力于生产具有前瞻性技术的产品,并将工业领域的核心市场定位于:移动设备、汽车和航天、工业电子、医疗与健康以及先进封装领域。2013年集团迈出了其高科技战略的下一步行动,与全球领先的半导体生产商合作开发半导体封装载板。作为一家飞速发展的跨国公司,AT&S 分别在奥地利(利奥本、菲岭)、印度(南燕古德)、中国(上海、重庆在建)和韩国(安山)拥有生产基地。目前集团拥有员工约8000人。



Elke Koch, 集团投资人关系及公共事务总监


+43 (0)3842 200-5925; +43 (0)676 8955 5925; e.koch@ats.net, www.ats.net


  • Austrian CEOs voted for „CEO of the Year“ among their peers
  • Criterias: economic performance, risk management, leadership, innovation
  • Awards in three stock exchange segments: „ATX“, „Prime Market“ and „Bond Market“
  • Award was handed over by Deloitte in cooperation with Boerse-Express

Andreas Gerstenmayer, Chief Executive Officer of leading PCB manufacturer AT&S AG, was elected „CEO of the Year 2014” in Prime Market segment of Vienna Stock Exchange.

The CEO’s of the companies in the relevant stock market segment voted for one of their peers. More than 60% of the CEOs participated and gave their vote to Andreas Gerstenmayer, saying: “He invested boldly and farsightedly, he closed a capital increase in difficult times and braves the turbulences on the electronic markets successfully. Gerstenmayer and his team succeed again and again to maintain the technological competitive edge, to be ahead of the competitors and enable innovations as development partners of the big players”.

The CEOs assessed the performance of their peers in terms of economic performance, risk management, leadership and innovation.

The award was handed over on March 4, 2015 by Deloitte and Boerse-Express. Due to a business trip Andreas Gerstenmayer was not able to accept the award personally but said: „I am very happy about this award and appreciation of my CEO colleagues. This award also goes to the AT&S team who showed extraordinary performance and results within the last years!”

He also took the opportunity to comment on Austria’s competitiveness and economic policy: „In Europe we are leading – unfortunately only with topics like taxes and duties. We developed with the Austrian Federation of Industries more than 100 measures to increase the competitiveness of Austrian companies. It needs to be implemented with immediate effect: reducing non-wage labour costs, further increasing flexible working hours, debureaucratisation and more funding for education.”

The other “CEOs of the Year 2014”: Category „ATX“ CEO of the Year is CEO Wolfgang Eder from Voestalpine AG. Winner in the category „Bond Market“ is Andreas Dangl, WEB Windenergie AG.

AT&S is the European market leader and one of the globally leading manufacturers of high-value printed circuit boards. AT&S industrialises leading-edge technologies for its core business segments Mobile Devices, Automotive & Aviation, Industrial Electronics, Medical & Healthcare, and Advanced Packaging. In 2013, AT&S took the next logical step in the high-tech strategy by entering the IC substrate business through a collaboration agreement with a leading global semiconductor manufacturer. As an international growth enterprise, AT&S has a global presence, with production facilities in Austria (Leoben and Fehring) and plants in India (Nanjangud), China (Shanghai, Chongqing under construction) and Korea (Ansan, near Seoul). The company currently employs about 8,000 people. For more information www.ats.net AT & S Austria Technologie & Systemtechnik Aktiengesellschaft

Press contact:

Elke Koch, Director Investor Relations & Communications

AT & S Austria Technologie & Systemtechnik AG, 8700 Leoben/Austria

Tel: +43 3842 200-5925; Mobile: +43 676 8955 5925; e.koch@ats.net, www.ats.net