奥特斯(中国)有限公司被评定为2014年度经济突出贡献企业 AT&S (China) CO., Ltd. was awarded the 2014 Enterprise Excellence in Economic Contribution

发布日期: 2015年02月10日

企业”。这一殊荣旨在表彰奥特斯对地方经济和税收做出的卓越贡献。BU MS CEO潘正锵先生出席了于2015 年2月6日举行的闵行区重点企业座谈会暨授牌仪式,并从闵行区区委书记赵奇先生和区长赵祝平先生手中接过了奖牌。
Recently AT&S (China) CO., Ltd. was awarded the 2014 Enterprise Excellence in
Economic Contribution by the Shanghai Municipal Minhang District government. This honor recognized AT&S’s remarkable contributions to the local economic development and financial taxation.
Mr. C.J.Phua, BU MS CEO, attended the rewarding conference hosted by the Minhang government on February 6, 2015 and received the award from Mr. Zhao Qi, Party Secretary of Minhang District and Mr. Zhao Zhuping, District Governor of Minhang.


BU MS CEO 潘正锵先生代表奥特斯(中国)领取了奖牌 Mr. C.J.Phua, BU MS CEO received the award on behalf of AT&S (China)